The Fast Rising Artiste in Bono East region with the Stage name Kuami Lhord, ...Presents to you; " THE SATURDAY VIBE" In this boring period full of stress ...The Most finest rapper Inna Bono East,Presents to u THE SATURDAY VIBE. The Saturday Vibe is a kind of short video Freestyles that is gonna be dropping On every Saturday to entertain his fans out there. The first freestyle drops on 11th of April 2020 which is going be very dope. .it repeats it self every Saturday with a kind of hot freestyle from your finest Artiste In a short interview ...The rapper said "I wish to entertain the fans out here with the talent in me through this means" .. The Hardcore rapper therefore presents to you THE SATURDAY VIBE. If you want to get in touch with this hardcore rapper, you can contact him on all social media platforms using the handle @...